Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Middletown Riverfront Workshop Reminder


Middletown Riverfront Planning Workshops
Internationally recognized planning and design firm, Projects for Public Spaces, has been working with the City’s Riverfront Development Task Force to develop a Vision and Concept Plan for the area.
Public input is critical to the success of the project.
Don’t miss this opportunity to share your ideas and help us build a vision for the Riverfront. We respect your time and promise a fast-paced, dynamic, participatory workshop. Bring your ideas and your walking shoes.
Refreshments will be provided.
Evening Workshop
Date     :        Thursday, September 26th, 2013
Time     :        6 PM to 9 PM
Location :       Common Council Chamber
and / or
Morning Workshop
Date     :        Saturday, September 28th, 2013
Time     :        9 AM to 12 NOON
Location :       Common Council Chamber
To help us prepare better to accommodate you, please RSVP with the date of the workshop you plan to attend at 860-638-4840 or
Find us on FACEBOOK at Riverfront Middletown Connecticut-
Michiel Wackers, AICP
Deputy Director of Planning, Conservation and Development
City of Middletown

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