Middletown Insider blog is accepting bios from all municipal candidates.
See criteria: http://www.middletowninsider.com/2013/08/request-for-candidate-bios-for-all.html
See criteria: http://www.middletowninsider.com/2013/08/request-for-candidate-bios-for-all.html
am currently in my 31st year as an Elevator Mechanic and a proud
member of the International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 91 and
currently Chairman of our Executive Board. As a member of Planning &
Zoning, I will work toward the development of the City of Middletown,
specifically to develop the Riverfront area as a showpiece and gathering place
for all in our community to enjoy. I will work to bring new business to our
city to provide jobs and increase our tax base.
Linda J. Szynkowicz
Nicole Cowie & Paul Szynkowiczhttp://www.middletownctgop.com/
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