Saturday, October 26, 2013

Candidate Bio: Linda Salafia (R) Common Council

Middletown Insider blog is accepting bios from all  municipal candidates. 
See criteria:
Republican Incumbent Candidate for Common Council
Linda Salafia

For the past two years, I have worked tirelessly to try and bring financial stability to our City. I have endorsed efforts to lower taxes and balance the budget. Last fiscal year, I co-drafted a budget that if adopted would have saved the city money and still provided the vital services our citizens rely on. I have voted twice against budgets that would that significantly raised our taxes. I deeply care about the safety, well being, education, economic vitality, and financial stability of the residents of our city; that is why I am running for re-election to the Common Council.

I ask voters to choose candidates that can provide checks and balances between our legislative and executive branches of our government. Please Vote for the WHOLE Republican ticket. VOTE ROW A!

I was born in Biddeford, Maine, but grew up in Portland, CT in where my dad taught in the Portland Public School.
I am a graduate of Portland High School and of the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont where I earned a B.S. in education, elementary with a concentration in math.  I’ve also earned a Certificate in Accounting from the Morse School of Business

I’ve worked at local businesses since high school, including Wannerstrom’s in Portland, Mallove’s Jewelers in Middletown, the Institute of Living in Hartford as a Psychiatric Aide, as Bookkeeper for Insurance and Real Estate Center, Inc in Middletown.  I’ve worked for the City of Middletown in the Tax Collector’s and Purchasing Offices.  I’m retired from the City of Middletown, where I was the Payroll/Pension Supervisor in the Finance Office. In my retirement, I have become a small business owner; I started Traditions + Treasures Gift Shop a unique craft and gift line currently located at the Ivoryton Inn's Gift Shop in Essex.

AFSCME Local 466 member for over 25 years, 10 years as an officer, including Vice President
FCRV (Family Campers & RVer’s), since 1993 and past Secretary
Polish Falcons
Middletown Kiwanis current member

I have been married for 33 years to my husband Tom, and have one daughter Molly Salafia.

I have been endorsed by local Union 466 Council 4 AFSCME

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