Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Candidate Bio: Angel Fernandez (R) First Latino to Seek Council Seat

 Middletown Insider blog is accepting bios from all  municipal candidates. 
See criteria: http://www.middletowninsider.com/2013/08/request-for-candidate-bios-for-all.html

Angel R. Fernandez is running on the GOP ticket for Common Council. Fernandez, a former U.S. Navy military police officer has set his goals high if elected: to restore fiscal responsibility, affordable taxes, and business growth in Middletown.
Fernandez was featured in CT Latino News.

Read more about Fernandez in an article featured on Middletown CT Patch written by Cassandra Day:

Learn more about the Deputy Emergency Manager who is running for Council on his facebook page:



  1. Wait until he does not get his way. Angel is a time bomb and he treats people below him like sh$t

  2. So, he's like everyone else in power? As long as he fights the power to be and isn't like current leaders, aka bullies, then Angel has my vote!

  3. If you hear a ticking sound, it's only the countdown to Election Day when Mr. Fernandez's victory will signal a swift course correction to bring competent governance back to Middletown. It's about time, isn't it?


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