Friday, August 16, 2013

Message from Realistic Balance Mayoral Candidate John Killian: Gritos de Carlos

Below is a press release from John Killian, Realistic Party Chairman and candidate for Mayor of Middletown for the 2013 election in November. On his blog, Killian states: " I also want to see a per visit tax placed on junk food drive-thrus, with proceeds to subsidize SNAP and athletics."

More information about John Killian who is seeking the nomination for mayoral candidate from Realistic Balance, the local party he was co-founder of, and when Realistic Balance meets, can be read on: 

Killilan's blog can be read here: He recently published "Down Town Drive-Thru," a fictional satire based in Middletown. Proceeds from sales when to benefit the Buttonwood Tree on Main Street. Likes to purchase the book are on his blog.

 Letters to the Editor express the opinions of the author, and may or may not be shared by the staff of the Middletown Insider blog; letters & press releases are published as a courtesy to readers. As a reminder, we will be accepting candidate biographies or statements from all parties. Please see the previous post about acceptable formats :
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Bilingual text follows:

Friday, August 16, 2013

Vota temprano, y muchas veces
I am driven by disillusion with the relationship of our federal government and the multinational firms that have come to feed our nation. Our children are suffering from unprecedented incidences of diseases that are directly attributable to diets full of empty calories. Federal support for agro-business subsidizes the purveyors of grain gone wrong, while local farmers raising healthy crops are left to fend for themselves.

Every drive-thru in our town is an outlet for companies who profit at our demise. These businesses should pay a premium for the privilege of having access to our locality. A drive-thru tax would counter the nefarious effects of our federal government's subsidy of the purveyors of poor food. The health of our community can be further aided by routing these revenues to youth sports programs and coupons to buy locally grown produce sold at farmer's markets.

As caring adults in our community, we need to do what we can to stand against all the adults who could care less. By putting candidates on the November ballot who speak for measures that will spare our children a lifetime of poor health, we can meet this responsibility at no cost and with minimal commitment of time and effort. Please take full advantage of this opportunity to be a responsible elector in our town.

Me impulsa la desilusión con la relación de nuestro gobierno federal y las empresas multinacionales que han llegado a alimentar nuestra nación. Nuestros hijos están sufriendo sin precedentes incidencias de enfermedades que son directamente atribuibles a las dietas de calorías vacías. El apoyo Federal al agro-negocio subvenciona los proveedores de grano ido mal, mientras que los agricultores locales los cultivos sanos tienen que valerse por sí mismos.

Cada drive-thru en nuestra ciudad es una salida para las empresas que se benefician de nuestra muerte. Estas empresas deben pagar una prima por el privilegio de tener acceso a nuestra localidad. Un impuesto de drive-thru contrarrestara los efectos nefastos del subsidio de nuestro gobierno federal de los proveedores de comida pobre. La salud de nuestra comunidad puede ser más ayudada por enrutamiento estos ingresos a programas deportivos de la juventud y cupones para comprar productos cultivados localmente que se venden en los mercados de los agricultores. Por favor, aprovechar al máximo esta oportunidad para ser un elector responsable en nuestra ciudad.

Como adultos en nuestra comunidad, debemos hacer lo posible para enfrentarse a todos los adultos que podrían importar menos. Poniendo los candidatos en la boleta electoral de noviembre que hablan de las medidas que ahorraremos a nuestros hijos una vida de mala salud, podemos encontrarnos esta responsabilidad sin costo alguno y con mínimo compromiso de tiempo y esfuerzo.


  1. What about those who get their medicine that way and have trouble getting in and out of their vehicle. I think the author needs to look at those who use these drive thru and how it helps them be on their own which they might not be otherwise.

  2. So Killian is running for mayor on the Realistic Balance line under the name Carlos Tango? Is this his idea of humor, is he trying to be hipster, or is there a point?

  3. I was vaguely familiar with Mr. Kilian when I ran for Mayor, and I didn't see his point then, and any point he has now, is completely blurred even further. Here is a suggestion: Have a point. I don't know if you're thinking some comical satire will build up a run for a shot at the Office of Mayor in 2019, but if you're going to take a shot at an office that if run correctly, could benefit thousands of people, in a City that desperately needs it, please be serious about it.


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