Sunday, April 07, 2013

Mayor Drew's Proposed Budget 2013-2014

Mayor Drew's proposed budget 2013. When reading the budget, note the  proposed revenue side and section that shows the hit to the general fund and also the part that shows revenue coming from the state.
Last week there were reports of departments needing more money for expenditures not factored into the Mayor's budget. The question is will taxes be raised more than the projected 3.3%?
 The Common Council will be reviewing the budget at this week's meeting. The public is encouraged to attend and comment during the public session of Economic Development which meets Monday or at the Community Public Session of the Common Council being held April 11. The Council votes on the budget after all the department's have spoken on April 30th.

The various budget's for the City Department's will be done during public meetings according to the following calendar: Readhere.

April 16, 6:30PM.  Police Department, Board of Education
April 23, 6:30PM. Water and Sewer Department, Planning Department
April 25, 6:30PM. Parks and Recreation, Public Works.
April 30, 7:00PM. Public Hearing
The Expenditure side of the Mayor's proposed budget can  here read here:

The Revenue side showing the hit to the General Fund is available here:


  1. Interesting smoke and mirrors from the boy mayor on revenues....still hoping for a state job with the guv by using his revenue like the "hold harmless" grant when the rest of the world knows the governor's budget has no hope of passing!

    Interesting how he's also raiding fund balances and even then there's a tax increase!

  2. Can you blame Drew for wanting a State job? He sees his mentor drawing a 164K pension from the State and he wants some of that. 78K for being the mayor or 164K for collecting a pension. Drew does come from a good family, worships locally and is part of the fabric of the community. He deserves to retire at 55 and draw 164K.

  3. Hippocrates all of them! The mayor isn't even from around here, and neither is his family. He is using middletown and the Serracarts are using him for personal gain. Whores all of them. Actually, probably worse. Calling them whores is too classy to describe them. VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

  4. How about the illegal meetings he is having with BOE members? They have meetings that aren't posted - attended by none other than Ed4Ed!!!


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