Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guestblog: CT Conservative News Roundup & Meetups

Press Release from Palin Smith
Please be advised that the Connecticut Restoration Coalition web site is rapidly developing into an excellent source to find out about issues and events. You can subscribe by filling out information on the right side of the home page. 
The Coalition is not a new group. Rather, it’s a hub for many different 2nd Amendment, Tea Party, gun enthusiasts, conservatives, libertarians and other patriot groups to come together on common ground. Meetings are held weekly at 6 PM in KING 33, a centrally-located warehouse facility situated at 75 Aircraft Road in Southington. Off I-84 Exit 32. Go north 0.60 miles and turn left at Dunkin Donuts. Turn left in half a block and follow the Arrows.
Hundreds of people have already attended one or more meetings. There are 20-30 new people every week. One of the initial goals of the groups attending is to help recruit future candidates to run for town offices in 2013. Connecticut’s Boards of Education need a complete overhaul.
The current makeup of the General Assembly consists of  99 Democrat House seats and 22 Democrat Senate seats versus 52 non-Democrat House seats and 14 non-Democrat Senate seats. We believe that if the right candidates emerge or are recruited, and they are fully equipped with the manpower needed, we can come very close to winning parity on Election Day, November 4, 2014.
Too many good candidates on our side in the past have been restrained from achieving their full potential from a scarcity of motivated volunteers. We’ve become brainwashed into believing that Connecticut is a blue state, so we sit home and complain. And the people who do get out to help most times waste their efforts when working to help Federal candidates.
Consider the Gay Rights activists. They comprise a very tiny percentage of our population, yet they get everything they want. WE ARE 10 TIMES their numbers yet we lose. Something is not right. This is why the Connecticut Restoration Coalition is offered as a place to meet, discuss the issues,  bring new ideas and help transform people into new activists.
Connecticut is not a lost cause. We have 20 months to put together something monumental. President Obama will not be on the ballot on November 4, 2014. The high taxing, gun grabbing, decency challenged, arrogant socialists will be all by themselves. Let’s not lose the best opportunity we might ever see again, for restoring our beautiful state to what we know it can be!
There are 36 state senate districts in Connecticut. They are ALL up for grabs in 2014. Just imagine what a “well regulated” team of 100 motivated and adroitly-directed volunteers could accomplish in most of those districts!

Sen. Minority Leader John McKinney, Senator Jason Welch and Rep. Whitt Betts
Thursday, March 21, 7-8:30 PM
Bristol Public Library - Meeting Room 2
5 High Street, Bristol  (attached)
(Two of these men might be future candidates for governor.  Look them over very well.)
US Senator Chris Murphy in Southport
Saturday, March 23rd from 1:30 to 3pm
Pequot Library
720 Pequot Ave.
Southport, CT 06890
CT Restoration Coalition 
meeting 6 PM SaturdayKING 33 75 Aircraft Road, Southington
Tuesday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Roger Sherman Elementary School
250 Fern Street, Fairfield
Thursday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m.
Trackside Teen Center
15 Station Road, Wilton
Saturday, April 6 at 11:30 a.m.
Shelton City Hall
54 Hill Street, Shelton

Saturday, April 6 at 3:30 p.m.
Central Middle School
9 Indian Rock Lane, Greenwich
We are becoming better organized, gaining new allies faster, and focusing on our goals better,  than at any time since 2009.
“It does not take a majority to prevail. but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” (Samuel Adams)
Palin Smith

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