Thursday, February 14, 2013

Letter to the Editor: Post Storm Evaluation Report Beneficial

I applaud any effort to review performance in order to find improvements. After-action reviews are a standard practice in business and government to review past operations for ways to improve performance and efficiency. An honest, open review of past operations is a productive, positive way to find improvements, remove redundancies and find gaps. It can provide the basis for an improved response plan for the next emergency. It is not to assign blame. It is evaluation, not criticism. This was a significant weather event. Such events provide excellent opportunities to find improvements, if you're willing to look for them. Or, you can become defensive, and say that you did the best you could, attack the critics, and say that any honest critique of performance is a political vendetta.

Ken McClellan
Chairman, Middletown Republican Town Committee.


  1. How about including a survey on the city's web site getting input from residents?

    1. good idea except dan dan no listen to nobody

  2. How about asking why City plow trucks do not use tire chains to assist them during heavy snow?

  3. don't. worry Pessina will throw any report to the wind

  4. tire chains are illegal in ct


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