CCDL meets monthly at the Elks in Middletown |
Local newspapers are reporting thousands will gather on the steps of Connecticut's Capital today in support of stricter gun laws. Democrat and Republican legislators and every side of the issue are expected to attend portions of the day.
March for Change, a citizens' gun control group that came to be in the wake of the Newtown school shooting tragedy on Dec. 14, has chosen today, Valentine's day & two month anniversary of the massacre to gather at the Capital. March for Change wishes to limit assault weapons, ammunition and place other barriers they believe will prevent violence. Groups that oppose stricter gun laws are also expected to have a presence as well.
CCDL has compiled a list of gun control laws on the table by the General Assembly's Office of Legislative Research as of February 14, 2013 in Connecticut.
We made a pdf of the list from the blog and have it available for downloading and easy printing here
See our numerous previous guest essays & videos on the topic : "What does the Second Amendment Mean to you?"
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