Thursday, January 10, 2013

From Jack to Ryan Kenndy: Proud of his BOE work

Note: The author's email has been omitted on purpose.


Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 9:17 PM
Subject: BOE meeting 1/8/13

Mr. Kennedy,

I am sitting here watching tonight's BOE meeting. I want to give you credit for being the single "No" vote on these "Separation Enhancements". The general public and the BOE has no clue what a giveaway these are. Finally is Gene Nocera not related to Elizabeth Norcera? Spouse. How is he involved in voting for her package?

Finally, what is it with the Middletown Super Patricia Charles? She seems like a deere blinded by the lights.

Also lasts nights council meeting on the school contract was a joke. The financial people from the BOE, while new had no clue on same basic questions. How BOE employees get dental insurance with no payment of premium or co-pay is beyond me in today's world. I will give Ron Klattenberg credit for pushing this issue but no one else seemed to care or even understand the issue.

Keep up the good work. People notice. Hopefully some day you can run for mayor but you strike me as too honest.      Jack


  1. Jack hit the nail on the head. The superintendent is lost (for 200,000 you expect better) and it is shameful that no one can explain simple things like what the employees pay for dental insurance.

  2. Pat Charles negogiated a primo contract. I have received requests for "donations" to the classroom several times this year: band aides, glue, papertowels,'s all about the kids! Good job Ryan!

  3. ryan kennedy has my vote.


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