Saturday, December 29, 2012

Parking Ban: December 29, 2012

MIDDLETOWN — Mayor Daniel T. Drew has declared a parking ban effective today at noon.

Vehicles must be removed from all city streets and municipal parking lots may be used, including: the corner of Washington/ Broad Streets, Broad Street across from the Russell Library, Melilli Plaza behind Main Street Market

Vehicles left on city streets run the risk of being towed by the Middletown Police at the owner’s expense. If a vehicle is towed during the parking ban you may claim the vehicle by contacting the Middletown Police Department at 860-347-6941. All payments must be paid at the police department before a vehicle is released.

Notes: 1. How come cars located in the Wesleyan area (i.e. High Street, Broad Street, College Street) are never towed?
2.  Please stop plowing all the snow on the sidewalks.
3. After the his unauthorized trip to China, Drew has asked city hall personal to remove snow from the streets with chop sticks.


  1. Ahhhh shut up and stop cyring you baby !!!!!!! Mainly shut up, go down to city yard on Monday and see how many Wesleyan students and teachers are there get their cars back from being towed there. Complain about something real not something you have no clue about.

  2. Okay! Forward the data or statistics and I will retract.

  3. like i said go to city yard tomorrow and look at the top lot ! you don't even have to get out of your car or even go into city yard. Statistics are for pencil pushers and paper shufflers, Teachers like them too. a tangible visual ASSesment is more what you need brother. go look you got the week off.....they don't say Broad St, Home Ave, Stowe or Lawn soon as a street is cleared more dummies park there and their car is stolen in the middle of the the MPD front desk....and your an educator :)

  4. Please I lived on Home Ave and they never towed cars parked on the street. Though when I lived in the Northend, they did tow cars. I complained about it and was told they treated all sections of Middletown the same. That is a lie.

    So anonymous 9:03am you are wrong

  5. As far as I know I never see towing done. I would like to see the story on this.

  6. The cops don't tow anything, unless they get a complaint or a plow truck is having problems. They don't have enough time to dedicate to snow tows, and answer calls for service at the same time. You all are clueless living in your own delusional paranoid minds. Focus on a real story will yeah. This stinks and is BORING!

  7. to anonymous 12/30 7:40 PM

    Yeah right Skippy I am about as wrong as it is that you don't now crap just like the rest of the people that post here. You are not an Insider you don't know what goes on in the City of Middletown and 90% of what is posted here you believe it to be true when it is only speculation and conjecture. I bet you moved from Home Ave to the North End on some sort of GRANT. I yes that is right I had 90 cars towed from Home, Lawn, Miles and Fountain ave because of no good liberal jerks like you that sat in your window thinking we were not gonna tow your car until it was hooked. That was in the recent time frame too. Tell me where you live in the "North End" (all you do gooders like to say you live there) and I will make sure your car does not get towed next storm. Because we are so like minded. Now go be and INSIDER OK.


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