Monday, November 05, 2012

DeLauro: Dive of Debt, Deficit & Dependency

Wayne Winsley for Congress
Connecticut’s Third Congressional District
 DeLauro: “Diva of Debt, Deficit, and Dependency”
This afternoon, the Wayne Winsley for Congress campaign released excerpts of conversations between challenger Winsley and citizens of the 3rd Congressional District.  
As was pointedly noted in the Waterbury Rep-American endorsement of Wayne Winsley - “it is time for Rosa DeLauro to go”.
“For too long, Incumbent DeLauro has been a ‘Diva of Debt, Deficit, and Dependency’.  That must end.
Like a Diva she has spent your hard-earned tax money - the way she sees fit - and has put each of you in Debt.
Like a Diva she has spent so excessively – in a way so unfit – she has trapped each of you in personal Deficit.
Like a Diva she has sold a supposed social safety net – that in truth – is a diapered web of Dependency.
22 years has been:  time too long… arrogance too strong… and, misrepresentation too wrong.”
It is time for the ‘Diva of Debt, Deficit, and Dependency’ to be voted off the Washington stage.
It is time for the theatrical curtain to close on Diva DeLauro.
I pledge - to every prospective constituent - to cut the Debt, cut the Deficit, and cut the tangled web of Dependency with which the Diva has ensnared and progressively enslaved people over the last 22 years.
I - Wayne Winsley will not let the people down.  Together, we will restore the full opportunity of the Promise of America.
To speak directly with Wayne Winsley, schedule a media interview, or to schedule a visit with your group, organization or association, contact him directly by phone at 860-248-0324 or via email .

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