Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guest Blog: Tag Team Debating

Tag Team Debating

Part of a series of articles on Political Events in Connecticut by Tim D. Enchanter
Watching the political debates, I noticed something that nobody seems to be talking about.  Then again, most people are concentrating on just the Presidential Debates between President Obama and Governor Romney.  Some people are talking about the Vice-Presidential Debate between Vice-President Biden and Congressman Ryan.
But just two hours before the Vice-Presidential Debate I also watched the Senatorial Debate between Congressman Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon.  This gave me a perspective on the Vice-Presidential Debate that continued to be validated in all the subsequent debates, Presidential, Senatorial, and Congressional.  It seemed like I was watching Tag Team Debates.
Maybe the involvement of McMahon, famous CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation), inspired this thought.  But it was the consistency of the other side which made me think this way.
It is one thing to have similar ideology, similar ideas, and similar solutions to similar problems.  That is expected of a political party.  But it is quite another matter to see the same personal attacks used against different opponents, no matter who they are, even when those attacks make no sense.
For example, Chris Murphy accusing Linda McMahon of being part of the fictitious “War On Women” is blatantly slanderous and incredibly stupid considering that Linda IS a woman.  Even when she points this out, Murphy continues the mantra like a brainwashed cult follower.  This quickly stops sounding like an argument and starts sounding like a script reading.
Watching Murphy versus McMahon seemed to me to be watching Obama versus Romney, except Romney wasn’t there and Obama looked like a pasty white college kid trying to act tough.  In fact, if you have ever gotten a call from a college kid paid to read from a phone script you would see the similarities immediately.  Trying to get one of these hapless drones to talk to you is an exercise in frustration.  If the answer isn’t written on the sheet in the designated order, your only hope of intelligent conversation is the phrase, “Let me get my manager.”CONTINUED:

Unfortunately for Murphy, his manager isn’t even available in the White House these days.  His schedule is overbooked with appearances at talk shows, exclusive banquets, college lecture halls, campaign rallies, casinos and, if we are very lucky, a quick stop by the situation room to show that he cares.  Instead, Murphy is left with the Obama script.
According to Murphy, Linda McMahon wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and Health Care for women (even though she is a woman).  She apparently wants to give a 5 Trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of the nation and pay for it with tax increases on the middle class.  She wants to force her crazy religion on everyone and eliminate all contraception, starting with Planned Parenthood and ending with condoms, turning all women into baby manufacturing machines forced to carry her seed.  Have we mentioned she’s a woman?  She’s also Pro-Choice, but that option is not listed in Murphy’s phone script.
 Watching that debate, I realized that the state of Connecticut has a stark choice to make.  On one side is a woman with an independent mind who may not always agree with her party leaders and is capable of making her own decisions.  On the other side is a party hack that will say and do whatever he is told by his handlers regardless of the circumstances.
Do the people of Connecticut want a representative who will listen to them or to party bosses who don’t live in the state or even the surrounding states?  Linda McMahon may not be the perfect Republican in the minds of some Republicans, but that means she actually has a mind of her own and can make her own decisions based on the needs of Connecticut.  Murphy has obviously become so good at taking marching orders that he cannot deviate from his script without authorization from either the White House or San Francisco.
Then there was Joe Biden.
According to Biden, Paul Ryan wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and Health Care for women (even though his mother is living on Social Security).  He apparently wants to give a 5 Trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of the nation and pay for it with tax increases on the middle class.  He wants to force his crazy religion on everyone and eliminate all contraception, starting with Planned Parenthood and ending with condoms, turning all women into baby manufacturing machines forced to carry his seed.
Joe Biden shares the same religion, as pointed out by the moderator, but insists that he will not use his authority to force his religious values on others.  This apparently made my landlady decide that she will vote Democrat with obvious moral superiority (at least that was the expression on her face when she related this point to me).
I was tempted to point out that the Obama-Biden Administration has been attacking Christian religions, using their authority to force them to surrender their religious values.  However, when you are dealing with a Fascist who believes that Government should be used to force people to “do the right thing”, any argument is yet another exercise in frustration.
Then there was President Obama.
According to Obama, Mitt Romney wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and Health Care for women.  He apparently wants to give a 5 Trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of the nation and pay for it with tax increases on the middle class.  He wants to force his crazy religion on everyone and eliminate all contraception, starting with Planned Parenthood and ending with condoms, turning all women into baby manufacturing machines forced to carry his seed.
The nice thing about Tag Team Debates is how I can just copy and paste talking points, changing names and such.  The annoying thing is how this appears when you are watching it.
Democrats have accused Republicans of being like the Borg from Star Trek, the Next Generation.  But they are the ones who promote Collectivist policies and act like a hive mind when it comes to talking points.  When Dick Morris created the DNC Speakers Bureau under the Clinton Administration, he probably never imagined that it would go this far. 
Whether it is the President, Vice-President, Senators, Congressmen, or News Anchors, the message is always the same and deviation does not seem to be allowed.  This raises the question of what Representative Government is all about and who will be represented.
Hopefully, the people of Connecticut will elect those who represent them instead of electing blindly obedient minions who just do what they are told.

“I am a lone voice crying in the wilderness and I know you can hear me but will you listen?” 
---Tim D. Enchanter, Lone Wolf Patriot

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