Friday, August 31, 2012

Teetering on Corruption Middletown

 Red Rosa's opponent  , Wayne Winsley
AME Zion Church in Middletown seems to be the new stomping grounds for Rep. Rosa Delauro to spin her web of deceit and try to reach out to minority voters. Coincidentally, a mere two months before his  election to office, Democrat & now City Treasurer Quentin Phipps joined the congregation. Phipps, a supporter and volunteer for the Delauro campaign has helped bring Red Rosa to speak before the congregation on now two occasions. The first a Women's Health Conference held at the church this past spring, where Delauro was a featured speaker, ironically,  neither have been labeled fundraisers, but one can surmise that these events being held to coincide when Delauro has been campaigning to defend her seat is no coincidence.  The last event held at  AME Zion featuring Delauro, Democratic Candidate Chris Murphy, and Community Health Center representatives focused on Obamacare. Unfortunately for attendees, the opposite side of the Obamacare argument was not represented and no Republican or Independent  or speakers whom might have had  an alternative viewpoints were asked to speak. While private non-profits such as churches have the right to retain any speakers they wish, it is ironic still that no women of GOP or Independent  backgrounds who are politically connected or elected officials were invited to speak before the congregation at the Women's conference. Events such as these teeter on the line of corruption as well; any 501-3c organizations participating in political fundraising or politicking whatsoever can loose their non-taxable status with the IRS. A politician can speak at an event meant to be a fundraiser for a non profit, but they cannot profit from it themselves, nor can the organization hold a fundraiser for them; the issue is the lines can be blurred very easily- say for instance if the candidate accepts donations at the event. If a true service (not a PAC) organization supports a candidate what is to stop that candidate for offering political favors once elected? Delauro is scheduled to "speak" at another non profit organization, the YES program that is part of the Partnership for Strong Communities in Hartford in September. Red Rosa's opponent Candidate Wayne Winsley probably wasn't invited...


  1. "The first a Women's Health Conference held at the church this past spring, where Delauro was a featured speaker, ironically, "

    How is this ironic? Sure it is interesting but not ironic.

    "While private non-profits such as churches have the right to retain any speakers they wish, it is ironic still that no women of GOP or Independent backgrounds who are politically connected or elected officials were invited to speak before the congregation at the Women's conference."

    And how is this ironic? It just sucks for GOPs and others that weren't invited. There was women speakers there so please elaborate.

    Second, how many events do GOP candidates invite their opponents to?

  2. Dear ANON:

    Was this a Democratic event? According to the article it was not therefore women on the other side of the aisle should have been invited by the church..Let's be honest, the church is probably 99% Democrat and believe rightfully or wrongfully that with DEMS in office they will get more funds..

    Recently the Dems had a non-fundraiser at Crystal Lake for anybody to come help the cause. (Translation $$) The problem one may ask? It's a city park and such events are prohibited from happening, what did they do? Easy, they took the money from their donors and acted as if they were not aware of the rule. Who cares! They are DEMs and it doesn't matter if the O'Rourke a girl in the park, or Donavan up with the roll your own tobacco.. UNFAIR!

  3. It is a damn shame that Wayne wasn't invited to a church that is run by by people of color. Could this be because he is a black conservative and not a liberal? Could this be because he believes in all people subscribing to the belief that government handouts are not to way to live? It can't be that.

  4. it is conflict of interest for non profits to be political- if elected how do we know the officials then won't show preference to them as far as grants and funding? Why is this so hard for the average person to understand?!!

  5. "It is a damn shame that Wayne wasn't invited to a church that is run by by people of color. Could this be because he is a black conservative and not a liberal"

    -I'm certain that it wasn't because he was a 'black' conservative.

  6. Remember what happend when GOP tried to bring a black conservative into the fray? Give me a break..

  7. anon 5:55...Why do you say that. Unlike Rosa who is a career politician Wayne actually works in the private sector. Rosa worked for Chris Dodd and then ran for the 2nd congressional district in 1990. She is also a member of the Communist party in New Haven. I know to some that is not a big deal, but to many it is.

    We need a person like Wayne in Washington to watch were our tax dollars go and to control spending "something Rosa has never done" unless you count the military.

  8. Well done Insider- I can name a few charities that court politicians in town...

  9. I'm a Middletown women who attended the women's Heath Confrence this year. I have cancer and other medical issues, they had so many great resources and inner city new developed speakers that were awsome. I know the beautiful women who developed this Confrence because of her love for individuals. Who ever this republican is he's just like the rest, why worry if you weren't not invited. Wait your turn. Also just for attacking the church you will reap what you sow. Those people at the church do more for the community then any others including the complainers.

  10. I would like to respond to the person who is upset about Wayne not being asked to attend, I may be able to answere that for you. First he's a man and secound he dosn't have the knowledge and testeomonie like rosa Delore talked about, for God sake she's a women who has gone through things. Your upset because he couldnt be there! Republicans are beyound unreal. Im a young voter and now i realy see. Fearthermore I would have never wrote that it was a shame. It was a womens health confrence not a mans. Thanks

  11. Dear Anonymous,
    Clearly you have missed the point of the entire article.

    1. The article is defending the church, it is slamming politicians like DeLauro who use non profits as a platform for political gain. DeLauro cited in her speech digs at Republicans- her speech was not just about woman's issues.

    2.DeLauro and like politicians are taking advantage of you under the guise of trying to help you stay healthy, it is a shame you cannot see that and paint all Republicans with a broad brush.

    3. Winsley is a cancer survivor.

    4. We are not upset Winsley was not invited, we are upset the church is being taken advantage of by politicians. A doctor speaking about health care is giving sound advice, a politician - any politician is politicking. Nothing wrong with that, but call it was it is.

    5. Chris Murphy a Democratic candidate is a man and at the conference as a speaker on women's health. Unless you are debating his gender you point of Winsley not being a woman is moot. He was quote in articles written about the conference slamming the GOP as well, so he wasn't there only for health issues; he was politicking!!

    Also, we don't speak for Mr. Winsley. He was not worried he wasn't invited, it was an article written by us. Contact him and find out about his platform before you judge a candidate just for being from a party that you have misconceptions about. To quote you as to us "reaping what we sow" and condemning us and stereotyping just for being of a different political affiliation than you, and then making a blanket statement that all men know nothing about women's health issues is quite sad.

    In no way did the article attack people of faith and in fact defends them as victims of some unscrupulous politicians politicking at a church.


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