Monday, February 28, 2022

Ernestine Holloway Announces Intent to Run for Governor!

Feb 8, 2022

I, Ernestine Holloway, hereby announce my intent to Run for the office of Governor for the great state of Connecticut.
As a Magistrate, I can no longer watch the Citizens of Connecticut live under the tyranny of this current State Government. Our current Government has eroded the rights of “We the People”. As one of many magistrates, we have the duty and responsibility to stand up against unjust laws. There are realms of government that has been violated. This is why I'm seeking the office of Governor.
“Over the last two years, “We the People”, the Citizens of Connecticut have suffered irrepressible harm at the hands of the current Governing body elected to represent the interests of “We the People”.
The areas where the abuse of power has affected, “We the People” are of the following:
- Violating the right of the freedom of religion.
- Violating the structure of family government.
- Our current Government continues to violate our God-given rights.
- “We the People” didn't elect a one-person rule. We elected a body to represent the interest of the people.
The current body of legislators has failed to represent, "We the People”, by pandering its authority to one rule. This violates our United States and our Connecticut Constitution of which the laws shall not contradict the Federal Constitution.
I hereby take a stand for the rights freedom of religion.
I hereby take a stand against the violation of the structure of family rights.
I hereby take a stand for the veterans of Connecticut who have served and sacrificed their lives to return only to find themselves homeless.
I hereby take a stand for Freedom of Education freedom.
I hereby take a stand for medical freedom of choice.
I hereby take a stand for the Republic of the United States of America and The Constitution of the great state of Connecticut.
The rule of law is crumbling underneath our current governing body therefore, I must take a stand on behalf of “We the People, the citizen of the Great State of Connecticut”. Please contact me if you desire to Donate. or contact me @makeway4holloway2022 at
I'm looking forward to running for Governor.
God bless the citizens of the Great State of Connecticut and God bless the United States of America.
Reverend Ernestine Holloway, your Future Governor

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