Editor's Note: This is published as a public service without
Dear Friends,
Check out my new ad that points out that there is a difference between legal and "illegal" immigration. I have worked hard to advocate for policies that keep us safe while also encouraging the expansion of lawful immigration into the United States.
Partisans on both sides like to paint each other as heroes and villains
on this issue and that is the sad reason why it has not been fixed.
Democrats like painting Republicans as bigots against immigrants.
Republicans point to Democrats who seem not to care about the rule of
law or the victims of bad actors who happen to be undocumented.
The truth is that both parties need to resolve this.
The current situation is awful. The worst part is that millions of
people are stuck living in the shadows in our country because they came
here for opportunity but don’t really have it since they can’t work
lawfully and have to wonder when they will be caught. Democrats, in
particular, are guilty of this since they act like saviors for giving
out scraps – driver’s licenses and tuition discounts.
What we need to do is - first acknowledge that a country is only a
country with a border so we need to increase border security and prevent
more illegal immigration. It is irresponsible from a public safety
standpoint to ignore the drug, violence, and human trafficking that
occurs because it is only a small percentage of the total border
Once that is accomplished, we could then create a work permit option
that allows those here living in the shadows to come out and become part
of the community. They could then work and live without fear – but no
entitlements and no voting. However, they can apply to obtain legal
status and ultimately citizenship.
This would be a fair and equitable solution. Unfortunately, it does not happen because neither party wants to give up their talking points. I have offered this concept repeatedly in the state legislature but really we need our federal government to finally act on comprehensive immigration reform.
Here is my speech from the State Senate last year when the Democrats made Connecticut a "super sanctuary" state and essentially placed illegal aliens who are on the terrorist watch list, known felons, and active gang members above the law.
I hope you will stand with me.
The November election is our chance to fight for and defend what we
believe in. Please take a moment and let me know if you would like a lawn sign, or would like to volunteer for my campaign.
You can call or text me, or send an email to rob@sampsonforct.com, or simply click the “Take Action” button below.
Please also take a moment to reach out to your friends and neighbors and
let them know of the importance of this election and how voting for me
will ensure that our voices will continue to be heard at the State
It has been an honor and privilege being our voice in Hartford. I would like the opportunity to continue fighting for you!
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