Monday, April 08, 2019

Middletown "Progressives" - Regressive

Photo from Wiki
Contributed anonymously.

Common council just passed a tax on paper bags at all commercial businesses based on Maria Hoztberg's suggestion to ban plastic bags.  Planning and Zoning just passed an overlay district which is well intended to reuse brown field sites, but bans Consignment Stores and other businesses in these areas.

Hate the DOT sidewalk bump outs on Main St.?  Blame Mayor Drew, John Hall and the Jonah Center for drowning out your voice.

BOE Democrats want to "delevel" all high School classes, meaning there will be no advance classes, no intermediary classes and no classes for students who need special attention.  All kids will be lumped into the same classes, regardless of ability, making it frustrating for those who excel and those who struggle.

The superintendent was given another raise and there are rumors schools don't have paper. 

The progressives dominated the conversation and decided your kids can't play on turf fields and had them banned at city fields in Middletown.

The progressives want to shape your community.  Both sides can work together when one side stops attacking personal freedoms.  Participate please.

If you don't want the progressive voices of Middletown to dominate the conversation please participate, attend & share.

The GOP on PZ fought hard to have these public sessions not on Wesleyan Campus, so ALL citizens could attend.

The city has created a survey, as well as two interactive workshops, where residents, community members, stakeholders and businesses can share input on the initiative.  To take the survey, visit:  Upon completion, respondents can be entered to win a gift card to a local restaurant.  Please take the time to take this PZ city sponsored survey and come to a public session to draft the new plan of conservation and development.

Two interactive workshops will be held April 25 at Middletown High School, 200 La Rosa Lane, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and April 27 at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, 1 Wilderman’s Way, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Each will address the plan’s major areas of focus, and form the basis for key recommendations.

For updates, visit For information, contact City Planner Mark DeVoe at or 860-638-4842

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