President Larry McHugh noted, “The chamber’s 35th Annual Golf
Tournament was sold out once again this year. I would like to thank our
Golf Committee, sponsors, players, the many other supporters who donated
gifts and auction items, the team at Portland Golf Course, Fox on the
Green, Chris Cote’s Golf Shop, and my entire staff led by tournament
coordinator Johanna Bond for doing an outstanding job.”

am honored to present Dante Fazzina with the 2018 Robert Briggs Good
Guy Award,” said Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce President Larry
McHugh. “Dante has been a huge asset to our community, the Chamber and
our Golf Tournament for many years. His hard work and dedication to the
Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce is unsurpassed and the committee is
truly honored to have Dante as our “Good Guy” this year.”
This year’s winners on the course were as follows:
1st place: Bill Foster, Ian Kaswan, Jason Soucy, Mark Gombotz
2nd place: Chris Brown, Donald FitzGerald, Eric Goclowski, Tim FitzGerald
3rd place: Adam Bajko, Doug Maclean, Glenn Ponganis, John Tiago
4th place: Ron Gronback, Marc Gallagher, Walt Cormier, Tom Prince
Longest Drive
Men: John Jepson
Women: Donna Doolittle
Closest to the Pin
Hole # 4: Adam Bajko - 2 foot, 1 inch
Hole # 8: Ian Kaswan -2 feet, 10 inches
Hole # 14: Jim Cama-2 feet, 2 inches
Hole # 17: Evan Jackson- 6 foot 1 inch
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