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In addition to providing Connecticut families and businesses with the immediate tax relief (as outlined previously), we must reduce the unsustainable size and cost of our state government.
Did you know that a state employee in Connecticut makes an average of $10,000 more per year more than his/her counterpart with the same job in Massachusetts? Or that the health benefits are much richer than than that of most private sector employee plans? Or that our 'defined benefit' state employee pension plan, which is currently only 37% funded, has created a unfunded deficit of $24.4 billion. This is an enormous liability, which sits the shoulders of all of us? In fact, Connecticut's lavish state employee pensions are currently only 37% funded, whereas the standard is 85%. It's no wonder our taxes are among the highest in the country!
My plan to correct this problem and reduce state spending would be to...
1. Eliminate collective bargaining for state employees and renegotiate state employee contracts at rates that would be bench marked to neighboring peer states like Massachusetts and New York.
2. Restructure state debt and reform state employee pension and healthcare entitlements to levels more commensurate with other states and municipalities.
3. Restructure state agencies with new top management and oversight that would force zero-based budgeting, line-item justification, re-engineering and streamlining of organization and process and elimination of waste, abuse, duplication and fraud. Business operate this way, and there's no reason our state shouldn't.
Will making these changes to our bloated, self-entitled government be a challenge? No doubt! It will require a leader who has both an in-depth knowledge of our state government and the passion, energy and tenacity to bring about the needed reform. But we can't afford not to, as the stakes are too high, and the accomplishment of these changes, together with my plan for immediate tax reform, is the key to our building a better Connecticut.
If you agree with my plan for reducing the size and cost of our state government, please consider making a contribution to my exploratory campaign for Governor. You can make a secure contribution online by clicking the red Donate button below or this link: The maximum allowable contribution is $375/per person, but any amount up to that level, whether $200, $100, $50 or $25 is welcome and and will help us turn our campaign for a better Connecticut into a reality. Or, if you prefer contributing by check, make checks payable to Boucher for CT and mail with completed contribution form to Boucher for CT, 5 Wicks End Lane, Wilton CT, 06897.
Thank you for your trust and generosity. Together, We can build a better Connecticut!
Toni Boucher
State Senator
Did you know that a state employee in Connecticut makes an average of $10,000 more per year more than his/her counterpart with the same job in Massachusetts? Or that the health benefits are much richer than than that of most private sector employee plans? Or that our 'defined benefit' state employee pension plan, which is currently only 37% funded, has created a unfunded deficit of $24.4 billion. This is an enormous liability, which sits the shoulders of all of us? In fact, Connecticut's lavish state employee pensions are currently only 37% funded, whereas the standard is 85%. It's no wonder our taxes are among the highest in the country!
My plan to correct this problem and reduce state spending would be to...
1. Eliminate collective bargaining for state employees and renegotiate state employee contracts at rates that would be bench marked to neighboring peer states like Massachusetts and New York.
2. Restructure state debt and reform state employee pension and healthcare entitlements to levels more commensurate with other states and municipalities.
3. Restructure state agencies with new top management and oversight that would force zero-based budgeting, line-item justification, re-engineering and streamlining of organization and process and elimination of waste, abuse, duplication and fraud. Business operate this way, and there's no reason our state shouldn't.
Will making these changes to our bloated, self-entitled government be a challenge? No doubt! It will require a leader who has both an in-depth knowledge of our state government and the passion, energy and tenacity to bring about the needed reform. But we can't afford not to, as the stakes are too high, and the accomplishment of these changes, together with my plan for immediate tax reform, is the key to our building a better Connecticut.
If you agree with my plan for reducing the size and cost of our state government, please consider making a contribution to my exploratory campaign for Governor. You can make a secure contribution online by clicking the red Donate button below or this link: The maximum allowable contribution is $375/per person, but any amount up to that level, whether $200, $100, $50 or $25 is welcome and and will help us turn our campaign for a better Connecticut into a reality. Or, if you prefer contributing by check, make checks payable to Boucher for CT and mail with completed contribution form to Boucher for CT, 5 Wicks End Lane, Wilton CT, 06897.
Thank you for your trust and generosity. Together, We can build a better Connecticut!
Toni Boucher
State Senator
Printed as a public service.
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