William Dziedic, Councilman, Town of Southington
support Peter for Governor because I think some very tough and
potentially unpopular decisions need to be made with respect to where
our State is financially. I think he has the courage to make these
decisions and not be afraid to upset the status quo."- Councilman
William Dziedic
is a dynamic individual with an inspiring life story which has given
him the ability to understand and share the concerns and aspirations of
all Connecticut citizens. He has a clear agenda to solve our state's
serious financial problems and the leadership skills to implement them. I
am delighted to endorse Peter Lumaj as the Republican nominee for
Governor in 2018."- BOF Member Tony Morrison
has also been endorsed by State Representative Rob Sampson who
represents Southington and Wolcott in the General Assembly. Please stay
tuned for future endorsements! Many more coming!
Published as a public service.
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