proposal is a slap in the face to all hard-working men and women in our
state.” Lumaj stated. “This Governor, for some reason or another,
simply can’t recognize that Connecticut has a spending problem not a
revenue problem – adding additional burdens on the backs of taxpayers,
struggling businesses and families is not in the best interest of our
state. It's highway robbery!”
“Governor Malloy
and his insider cronies in Hartford need to realize that this is NOT
their money, it is the taxpayer’s money. They cannot come raid our
wallets and pocketbooks every time they mismanage the state’s finances.
Connecticut’s gas tax is already the sixth highest in the nation,
implementing tolls and a tire tax adds insult to injury – how much money
does Hartford really need? We need to reign in the cost, size and scope
of government – it's time to cut the fat in Hartford, make the tough
decisions to reduce our state’s unfunded liability burden and, for once,
give our taxpayers a break.”
needs to become competitive again. This proposal is anti-taxpayer,
anti-business and anti-family. I don’t support it, the business
community doesn’t support it and the people of Connecticut don’t support
it. I urge all Connecticut taxpayers to call their legislators and just
say no to tolls and taxes.”
Reprinted as a public service.
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