Monday, November 06, 2017

Photo Of The Day: November 6, 2017

We have been victims of terrorism in the past few weeks. It doesn't matter what type of terrorism because to define it is to give definition to the hateful ideology of those who visited violence and death upon us. When I was in New York in the days after September 11, 2001 someone hung a banner on the iron fence outside St. Paul's Chapel, and it read, "Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5) Written thousands of years ago, it fits any tragedy we experience. This is by far not the first church shooting, and it probably won't be the last, but terrorists need to realize this: You can shoot up churches, you can kill God's people, but you will never, ever shake the faith of His people. -Brian E. Clark, Staff Writer
(Photo by The Orange County Register)

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