Monday, October 23, 2017

Photo of the Day: October 23, 2017

As a Firefighter, you always have to be on top of things. This is a literal example, of course. Every morning, I walk by the Main Street Firehouse, and every day, they are doing their pre-shift inspection of the apparatus. Every day, the same thing. What about last shift, they checked it, right? The bottom line is, you just don't know, and walking into a situation where life and death hang in the balance, not knowing is not good enough, So, yes, they check everything; Airpacks, axes, halligan bars, flashlights, Hurst Rescue Tool (Jaws of Life). lights, generators, EMS gears, and Oxygen levels, water cans, and the list goes on and on. When the Middletown Fire Department shows up, you can bet they have all the tools and equipment for the job at hand- and they all work as well. Thank you Chief Kronenberger and your men for keeping us safe!

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