Monday, October 30, 2017

CCDL - Proposed Gun Ban In Southbury

Southbury town meeting on proposed gun ban; Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00PM at the Pomperaug High School auditorium.
The Southbury Democratic Town Committee (SDTC) has requested that the Board of Selectmen consider an ordinance to prohibit firearms on all town property. Ultimately, making these places “Gun Free Zones”.
The Board of Selectmen voted to explore this idea further, and added it to the agenda for their October 19th meeting.

You can see the SDTC letter here: Southbury DTC Gun Control Letter (pdf)
Many of the hundreds of Southbury CCDL members and supporters came out to the October 19th meeting to voice their concerns on this proposed town gun ban. So many, the meeting was rescheduled due to crowd size. The new date and location is Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00PM at the Pomperaug High School auditorium, 234 Judd Rd, Southbury, CT. You should plan on arriving early, and sitting in the front of the room. (Please remember that schools are gun free zones)
CCDL is asking ALL our members, especially those in Southbury and surrounding towns to attend this November 2nd Board of Selectmen's meeting, along with any upcoming public hearings (TBD). We need our members to strongly voice their opposition to such a proposed ordinance. You do not need to speak, but we need 2nd Amendment supporters in attendance. Wear your CCDL swag if you own any.
The antigun extremists are sending people to this meeting from all over the state to make it appear as though most Southbury residents are in favor of unconstitutional gun bans. They even have the audacity to claim that legally carrying a firearm in public is somehow "brandishing". Can you believe that?
If the town of Southbury removes your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones, will the town and it's taxpayers guarantee your safety and assume the liability if something does happen?
Southbury residents are encouraged to send their selectmen a simple email, asking them to not support any ordinance that would restrict law-abiding people from carrying a firearm for self-defense.
Selectmen Emails:

First Selectman Jeff Manville

Selectman George Bertram

Selectman Justin Bette

Selectman Jason Buchsbaum

Selectman Jennifer Naylor

Selectman Mike Rosen

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