Friday, August 25, 2017

The Old Farmer's Almanac - More hurricanes expected, herb lore, houseplant tips

bee on clover
His labor is a chant,
His idleness a tune;
Oh, for a bee's experience
Of clovers and of noon
–Emily Dickinson (1830–86)

The OFA Companion Header Logo

August 25, 2017



Hurricane Forecast Raised

The 2017 hurricane forecast just got updated—and NOAA predicts “an extremely active storm season,” which could be the most active since 2010. See the forecast and how you are affected—and start preparing BEFORE you experience power outages.


Remember when the power went out…

…and you wished you had a generator? Not everyone knows how much power they use, and even fewer are aware of their emergency power needs. We found this easy-to-use calculator to help you get an idea of what you’ll need.

Embedded thumbnail for 5 Ways to Control Potato Blight

Potato Blight

Potato blight first shows itself as brownish-black spots on leaves, but before long the potato foliage can completely collapse and the potatoes themselves will rot.

The 2018 Old Farmer's Almanac - Collector's Edition

Our best offer! This hardcover Collector’s Edition Almanac includes a free 2018 Gardening Wall Calendar and replicas of Almanacs from 100 and 200 years ago. You can’t get this deal anywhere else.

Growing Coriander and Cilantro

Coriander/cilantro is a fast-growing, aromatic, annual herb that grows best in the cooler weather of spring and fall. Here’s how to grow coriander and cilantro in your garden.

The 2018 Old Farmer's Almanac Gardening Calendar

Our most popular calendar for over 40 years!

Great Houseplant Tips

Houseplants can add color and beauty to your home! Here are a few key growing tips for houseplants

The 2018 Old Farmer's Almanac Weather Watcher's Calendar

Features exciting photography, weather proverbs, historical weather events, trivia, and more! Makes a great gift for Mom or Dad. 

Herb Folkore

We all know that herbs make great companions in the garden and kitchen. Herbs also have a long history as a natural remedy—and many other more unusual uses, too! Read on…

The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Notebook

Pre-order now, and the moment it’s ready, you’ll get it first. Keeps weather watchers engaged and entertained day after day for up to 4 years! Prompts make it easy to record temperature, precipitation, wind speed, humidity, and other fascinating data. This weather journal is also packed with charts, striking color photos, weather-related folklore, and information regarding significant weather events and history. Makes an excellent gift.

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