Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Alchemy of Change: Suicide - The Myth of Escape

In this video, my dear friend, Linda Czaplinski speaks of the dire consequences of suicide and how suicide disrupts God's plan for those who take their own life.

The wake of recent suicides compels the necessity of sharing this with the hope that some troubled soul will listen to these wise and truthful words, finding hope for themselves, realizing that their lives are purposeful and filled with meaning, even if that purpose and meaning is shadowed from sight.

"We know that love, peace and beauty await us in the Heaven world at the natural end of life. Those passing on through tragic events are also escorted to these Octaves of Light where their souls are comforted. For a suicide, there is no Light, there is no comfort, the pain carries through with the soul to the other side. Listen and learn more."

This is the link to the video Linda referrers to in her commentary.

Linda Czaplinski is a Spiritual Alchemist. Using the Science of the Spoken Word, she creates positive change for the Earth body and all who inhabit it. She is ordained in a non-sectarian spiritual order.

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