July 2017
Get Down to Business
The news is full of reports about how the Health Care Bill, a.k.a., the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a.k.a., Obamacare needs to be scrapped, rescinded, done away with, repealed or any other term describing elimination you wish to choose.
Congressmen have been caterwauling about the disaster Obamacare would
visit on the American people. And they were right. It is and has been
a disaster. I even read the original draft (all 1100 pages) of the
ACA back in 2009. It was brought before the House of Representatives
October 29, and was known then as the Affordable Health Care for
America Act (HR 3962 – House Resolution). President Obama and the
Democrats had just assumed control of the presidency and the Congress
after eight years of President George W. Bush and the Republicans.
Within the first year in office, the Democrats crafted and enacted a
health care bill. On December 24, the Senate passed an alternative
health care bill known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act. In early 2010, the House abandoned its reform bill in favor of
amending the Senate bill, known as the Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act of 2010. Opponents of this bill began referring to
it as “Obamacare,” fully intending that the term would be used as
a pejorative.
point is this: The Democrats managed to bring a health care bill up
for vote in Congress, and succeeded! And all this occurred within the
first year of Obama’s presidency. Republicans have vowed since 2010
to repeal Obamacare, and present to Congress a much better bill to be
implemented once Obamacare is no more.
Roots in Ripon - Author Chuck Roots |
say, Hooray for the Republicans! So, where’s this bill you’ve had
eight years to work on? Excuse me if I’m a bit flummoxed by the
excuses coming from the leaders of the House and Senate (Ryan and
McConnell) as to why the bill is not ready. And you’re telling me
and the American people that you can’t rally enough Republican
support as a party on the hill to pass what is currently being
I remind the Republican gentlemen and gentleladies of Congress that
we the people of these United States voted you folks into office to
do the work you’re supposed to do on our behalf so we who vote and
pay taxes shouldn’t have to be troubled with such matters as health
care. You all promised to bring a new health care bill up for vote
once you gained the House in 2010. You reaffirmed that promise once
you gained the Senate in 2014. Now, in 2016, you have an admittedly
unconventional president, who, nevertheless, is a Republican. So,
what’s the problem here? Whining, hand-wringing, and the making of
excuses will not be tolerated. We voted you in to do the hard work.
Now, get to work!
all brings me to my final point: There is a dearth of leadership
within our government. The Republicans are embarrassing themselves
through Congressional ineptitude, functioning as though they are the
minority party. The leadership within the Democrat party is no
better. The difference is, the Democrats always act as though they
are in charge, especially when they are the minority party, as they
are right now. In fact, I would point out that it has sunk to a new
low. There’s not a one of these leaders from either party that is
demonstrating true leadership at a time when it is desperately
needed. Statesmanship is completely absent within the Halls of
Congress. You may wish to respond with a comment such as, “But
Chuck, not all the members of Congress are poor leaders!” And I
would, on the surface, agree with you. But those who are attempting
to lead well are being silenced by those who are in the Washington DC
“Beltway Club.” Some of these congressmen have spent decades
inside DC. It’s the, “Good ole boy club.” They have learned to
play the game. They scratch each other’s back to the degree that if
you don’t play the game the way they have it set up, you simply
will be ignored. You may be pure in your desires to bring change, but
if you don’t go along, you’ll be a one-term Congressman. And the
electorate, the voting public, is left wondering where their
champions have gone.
leaders, particularly government elected officials, should memorize
Solomon’s prayer to God from I Kings 3. Beginning in verse 7, it
says, “Now,
my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David.
But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my
duties. 8 Your
servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too
numerous to count or number. 9 So
give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to
distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this
great people of yours?”
10 The
Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So
God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long
life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your
enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I
will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning
please give us such leaders today! Leaders who will put the
governance of the people first, not seeking vainglory for themselves.
And dare we lift our heads to ask you once again, please, God, bless
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