Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hartford Jazz Society Emerging Artist Competition!

Emerging Jazz Artist Showcase – Finals

This year's finalists are GB Sneed, Samantha Feliciano, Tony Dais and Mike Casey.  America's oldest continuous running Jazz Society, the Hartford Jazz Society continues its presentation of jazz in the park with the Monday Night Jazz Series, running through August 14th.

Part of this feature, is an emerging artist showcase, in which one performer is selected by majority vote from you, the jazz aficionado.  Voting continues through August 13th and the winner will be announced at the August 14th conclusion of this year's Monday Night Series.  The grand prize winner receives a cash prize and two tickets for the Hartford Jazz Society River Cruise  and is invited to do a solo performance between sets.

To cast your vote, visit this HJS page, listen to each of the four artists and cast your vote!

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