Friday, May 05, 2017

Sen. Linares Meets Young Colchester Technology Stars

State Senator Art Linares and Rep. Melissa Ziobron view a 
Jack Jackter Intermediate School student’s video game that 
he created for the state’s 20th Annual Technology Exposition.
Sen. Linares Meets Young Colchester Technology Stars

State Senator Art Linares (R-33) met with Colchester elementary school students who showed off their techno-savvy during the state’s 20th Annual Technology Exposition at the state capitol on Wednesday.

Students from Jack Jackter Intermediate School demonstrated the video games they designed in a project titled The Story Behind the Video Game. They were required to develop a story, develop a problem to be solved, and then use Bloxel kits to create their games.

Sen. Linares said he was impressed with the stories students created for their games and their ability to bring them to life.

“So much of today’s technology comes naturally to young people and I’m glad teachers are integrating it into the learning process,” he said. “The stories these students developed for their games are so creative. I’m just amazed that people so young could accomplish what these kids did. I’m so impressed.”

Sen. Linares said he was happy to see that both boys and girls participated in the project. He hopes to see schools find more ways to get students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

“We know the high-paying jobs of the future will need workers with technology skills,” he said. “The sooner we can gets students on the path to STEM, the better. Students will be prepared for the work world and businesses will have a supply of skilled workers. These kids have a bright future ahead of them.”

Sen. Linares represents the communities of Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland, and Westbrook.

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