Saturday, April 22, 2017

Oath Keepers - HuffPo Hoax Says Much about 'Progressive' Media's Subversive Goals

By David Codrea
Even though the article turned out to be a hoax, don't think for a minute it doesn't express the sentiments and goals of those who published it.

"White Men And The Vote: Why We Took The Blog Down," The Huffington Post admits in a contrived mea culpa written less as an apology  for journalistic malpractice than an exercise in finger-pointing and excuse-making. Huffington Post SA has removed the blog 'Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?' published on our site on April 13, 2017."


South Africa. Nothing like adding a more fuel to an already volatile situation.
Why did they take it down?
Bottom line: It wasn't for moral reasons, like it might inspire more violence, terror and misery. The simple truth is, they got punked. The author of the article wasn't a real leftist spouting the requisite subversive and hateful inanities. It was a setup, an intentionally outrageous submission from a fake contributor who succeeded in appealing to HuffPo's elitist strain of privileged "progressivism" and getting the piece published in a forum that would reach the world.
They didn't take it down because they found the premise objectionable.  Any pretenses of self-righteousness and responsibility now being feigned are just that. If the whole thing hadn't proven an embarrassing fraud, they'd still be defending the author and the proposals, that:

"[A] denial of the franchise to white men, could see a redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners ... A period of twenty years without white men in the world's parliaments and voting booths will allow legislation to be passed which could see the world's wealth far more equitably shared."
"Gullible Huffington Post Falls for Hoax Article Calling for White Men to be Stripped of Voting Rights," HeatStreet reported. "They even crowed about how much traffic it was getting and mocked readers for complaining, before suddenly reversing their decision and deleting the post over the weekend."
That in itself is telling. As someone who has been blogging and writing internet articles for some time, I have experienced being hoaxed myself. No matter how much due diligence you engage in, it can still happen. But the important thing is, you don't then try to erase the past, at least if you're honest. You admit where you erred but don't try to hide it. After all, the whole point behind all of this is to discern the truth. Unless you have an agenda where truth is an inconvenience to be supplanted by historical revisionism (SOP for collectivists)...
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