Friday, March 10, 2017

Malloy Wants to Slash Funding for State Ethics Offices

Despite having been the subject of a federal investigation into his campaign activities, Democrat Governor Dan Malloy is calling for new cuts to state ethics watchdogs. Malloy’s new budget proposal includes cuts to Ethics, the Freedom of Information Commission (FOIC), and the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC), all of which are parts of Connecticut’s Office of Government Accountability. The Record-Journal reports:

“The proposal also includes a proposed cut of $96,000 to the SEEC, which has a budget of $3.2 million this year. It would cut $44,400 from FOIC, which has a $1.48 million budget this year, and $42,500 from Ethics, which operates with a $1.42 million budget,” the article states.

Dan Malloy’s proposal to slash funding for state ethics offices despite his own history of playing fast and loose with campaign laws further shows his unacceptable lack of accountability to the people of Connecticut. Malloy’s actions are more proof that Hartford is in dire need of a change in leadership.
We MUST defeat Dan Malloy in 2018.  Are you with me?  Text noMalloy to 555888 to join our fight against a horrible governor.

J.R. Romano
State Party Chairman
Connecticut Republican Party

Paid for by the Connecticut Republican Party.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

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