eBird data illuminate hidden trend in Allen's Hummingbird
Global Big Day is two months away!
Merlin Bird ID now in Spanish, Mexico
Bermuda Petrel hatches on camera
A monthly newsletter from Team eBird at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Community rating media in eBird
Ever wanted to find the best photos and sounds in eBird/Macaulay
Library for your favorite bird? How about in your country? For photos
taken this month? Community rating now makes this possible! Read more on eBird.
eBird data show hidden trend
Your eBird sightings have contributed to hundreds of conservation
actions and peer-reviewed papers. Recently, eBird data on Allen's
Hummingbird showed population trends that were not detected by other
monitoring platforms. Read more here.
Bird Academy giveaway: Warbler ID
Do you enjoy spring warblers? We're excited to partner with the Cornell Lab's Bird Academy to
offer a suite of exciting educational resources in thanks for your
eBirding: in March, your checklists can get you free access to "Be a
Better Birder: Warbler Identification Live Series." Find out more.
Bermuda Petrel hatches on camera
See that strange fluffball? This is the critically endangered Bermuda Petrel, as shown on the Cornell Lab's Bird Cams project. See some of the early tender moments here, and follow along as the chick continues to grow until its hopeful fledge around the beginning of June: watch the cam here.
Global Big Day: 13 May 2017
Birding's biggest day is scarcely two months away! Wherever you'll be on
13 May, you can make a real difference. Grab a friend, have some fun,
and be a part of Global Big Day. Learn more.
Merlin Bird ID for Mexico!
In partnership with CONABIO, the Merlin Bird ID app is now available
entirely in Spanish and in Mexico. There is a new Bird Pack for the
birds of the Yucatan region of Mexico and more species will be added
each month. Download photos and sounds for Yucatan birds today!
BirdCast is back!
Wondering what birds are migrating through your corner of the US this spring? Look no further than BirdCast. See weekly migration forecasts here.
eBirder of the Month
In March, your photos and audio recordings give you a chance at new ZEISS Conquest HD 8×42 binoculars. Every eligible list with photo or audio gives one chance to win! See more.
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