Thursday, February 09, 2017

Stratfor - Weaving the Threads of a Possible Trump Doctrine

Trump enters office at a time of dynamic change, not only in U.S. political and economic life but also in the structure of the international system. Of the many unanswered questions surrounding foreign policy under Trump, few are more significant than the future of the U.S. relationships with Russia and China. While Trump will face many of the same political, institutional and geopolitical constraints as outgoing President Barack Obama, he will face them differently and, perhaps, achieve very different ends.


No matter what approach the incoming administration takes to challenge China's political and economic system, Beijing will be focused on its own priorities.

Even with the embargo still in place, the changes in U.S. policy have been a boon for the Cuban economy, one Havana will work to protect. 

Join us for this free Threat Lens webcast to better understand the threat of Jihadist terrorism in the year ahead. Learn more about Threat Lens here. 

Long-term trends tend to quietly build over decades and then noisily surface as the politics catch up. Such is the case for 2017.

Chile's market-based approach to water management may promote more sustainable consumption patterns, but it also shows the potential pitfalls of privatization.

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