Monday, February 13, 2017

CCDL - Public Hearing Alert

This Tuesday, February 14th, the Appropriations Committee will hold a state agency budget presentation with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection 1:00pm in room 2C of the Legislative Office Building (LOB) in Hartford. Most likely questions about the proposed permit fee hikes will be asked of DESPP Commissioner Dora Schriro at this time.
(DESPP). The meeting is scheduled for
The meeting is open to the public, and CCDL is asking members to attend. We need to show legislators that gun owners are outraged at Governor Malloy’s budget proposal to raise pistol permit application and permit fees so only the rich will be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. We’re asking members to wear their CCDL shirts and hats to the meeting to show the legislators we’re paying attention.
Oral testimony is not required at this particular hearing, but members are still encouraged to submit written testimony. This hearing is related to the appropriations of the general funds, but it’s key to show the state that CCDL members are staying vigilant.
The afternoon part of this meeting will start at 1:00 P.M., and DESPP is scheduled to be the second speaker. This will be followed by a Public Budget Hearing at 4:30 P.M.
Please email written testimony in Word or PDF format to
The Committee requests that testimony be limited to matters related to the items on the agenda. All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. The Committee encourages witnesses to submit a written statement and to condense oral testimony to a summary of that statement.
We’ve included some sample testimony you can use. Sample Letter
The Legislative Office Building is located at 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford.
Chris | February 12, 2017 at 7:33 pm | Categories: 2017 Legislative Session | URL:
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