Friday, December 02, 2016

Election 2016 - "It is Over"

It is over.

The voters of our country confirmed the new direction our nation will take.  President-elect Trump early today (Nov. 9th) requested that a truly united citizenry set aside our differences, bind our wounds and work together to restore equal opportunity for all, for the common good of this nation.

I take his call to mean that we must live and let live, tolerate our differences, and never elevate anyone's agenda to special interest status, taking precedence over anyone else's agenda.  

If we can do that, I am hopeful that when we discard debilitating social experiments such as affirmative action, race and gender based politics, political correctness and the political abuses of our governmental institutions, we can once again achieve greatness in this country.

I have sent many politically sensitive photos, articles and videos since July asking for support of our newly elected President.  I did not ask for permission to send such information and I offer no apologies for having done so.  I simply thank you for your attention to them, whether they influenced you or not, to vote as you did yesterday.

This election was too important to me and the future of my family to stand idly by and do nothing to affect the course our nation was pursuing.

Joe Milardo

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