- Stay informed
- Make a plan.
- Build a kit.
- Get involved.
During September, people in communities around the country will be taking actions to prepare for the next unforeseen emergency.
This week, we will focus on staying informed.
Stay informed. With
hurricane season in full swing and severe weather increasing in
frequency, keeping an eye on the weather forecast can make the
difference between being engulfed by a storm and evacuating to safety.
you don’t have time to catch the local news, weather apps and warnings
can keep you informed 24 hours a day and the best part is, if you have a
smartphone, these apps are free!
Find and sign up for all the relevant FEMA/Red Cross text alerts and warnings. Download weather apps to your smartphone and know what is coming before it gets here!
attention. Sure smartphones can bring you the world, but don’t confuse
augmented reality with reality. When catching Pokémon, don’t ignore
the cars and circumstance around you, like a Baltimore driver did
recently, when he crashed into a police car – and it was all caught on
camera. When multi-tasking, keep in mind that, each additional task you
engage in reduces the attention that you devoted to the previous task.
At some point multiple tasks become multiple distractions, where no
single task can be performed properly. Pay attention and avoid
Most of all, we at the SFD wish you and yours a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!
Chief Rob Ross
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