CTGOP Press Release
DATE: July 27, 2016
Wikileaks Reveals Esty is Puppet of DNC
Emails show DNC orchestrated media appearances,
controlled Esty statements on gun control and Trump.
Mocking of Sanders’ Jewish faith reminiscent of Greenberg in 2014
“Elizabeth Esty has abandoned the people of the 5th District to advance the political goals of the Democratic National Committee,” said JR Romano, chairman of the Connecticut Republican Party.
“The revelations from the recent Wikileaks disclosure of emails from DNC senior officials are absolutely stunning,” he continued. “They show Esty as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the DNC, showing up when and where they direct, and mouthing the very words and phrases crafted by DNC staffers.” (1)
“Whether it is gun control or anti-Trump messaging, the emails from Wikileaks show that when her political bosses at the DNC tell Esty to jump, she responds with “How high?” on the way up.”
“Nowhere in these emails is there any mention of the people of the 5th District, only the DNC’s preoccupation with using Esty’s office as a U.S. Congresswoman – and her apparent willingness to be used -- to achieve its political goals.”
“Just as shameful is the DNC’s secret effort to use Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Jewish faith against him as a way to advance the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. (2) That effort is reminiscent of a similar smear, launched in 2014 against Republican candidate Mark Greenberg, by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, a surrogate and vocal and financial supporter of Elizabeth Esty.” (3)
“Elizabeth Esty turned her back on her Democratic constituency in the 5th District when she joined this previously secret but now-public DNC effort to thwart the Bernie Sanders’ campaign for President. Despite the fact that Sen. Sanders won the Presidential Primary in the 5th District in CT, Esty has remained steadfast against him. Without the early support of Super Delegates like Elizabeth Esty, Hillary Clinton would likely now be congratulating Presidential nominee Bernie Sanders.”
“Elizabeth Esty needs to immediately disavow all of these repugnant activities, and return all campaign donations generated on her behalf by the DNC and the DCCC, including those resulting from the DCCC-initiated sit-in on the House floor.”
“It is clear that senior officials at the DNC believe that the 1st and 2nd Amendment rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution simply don’t apply to opponents of Hillary Clinton.”
“If Elizabeth Esty remains silent on these inexcusable transgressions by the DNC and the DCCC, she is nothing more than a willing accomplice and a clone of Hillary Clinton.”
1) https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/3859
2) https://theintercept.com/2016/07/22/new-leak-top-dnc-official-wanted-to-use-bernie-sanderss-religious-beliefs-against-him/
3) http://donpesci.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-dirtbag-book-on-mark-greenberg.html |

CONTACT: Nicholas Stone (info@ctgop.org)
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