Monday, July 11, 2016

Washington Street Finally to be Repaved

This project is a year over due.  And have you noticed; these long over due projects always come around in an election year? Editor
Dear Friends,

A Department of Transportation project is getting underway this month in Middletown.  Work will be done during the evening/overnight hours to avoid traffic problems, but motorists should use alternate routes or expect delays when using Washington Street.

Crews will mill and pave Washington Street from the area of The Home Depot to Route 3-Newfield Street.

The schedule looks like this:
  • Milling, or removal of the existing surface, from Sunday, July 17 through Wednesday, July 20
  • Paving, putting down the new surface, between Sunday, July 24 and ending Thursday, July 28.
All of the work will be done between the hours of 7 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Matthew Lesser

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