Thursday, July 07, 2016

Rep. Rob Sampson - Major Public Acts of 2016

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Many important and consequential pieces of legislation were debated and passed by the General Assembly throughout the 2016 Legislative Session.
To read a summary of the 2016 Major Public Acts passed during the legislative session, please click here.
In order to better understand this legislation, the non-partisan Office of Legislative Research has also released summaries of new laws affecting different issue areas. 
Please note that by providing you with this information I am not indicating my support for all items included.
Each summary indicates the public act (PA) number and effective date. Some of the issue areas include:
Acts Affecting Seniors
Acts Affecting Education
Acts Affecting People with Disabilities
Acts Affecting Children
Acts Affecting Transportation
Acts Affecting Crime and Public Safety
Acts Affecting Energy & Utilities
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at or (860) 240-8700. 
I hope this information is helpful.
Rob Sampson
State Representative - 80th District
State Rep. Rob Sampson
800-842-1423 (Toll Free)
860-240-8700 (Local)
860-240-0207 (Fax)
Legislative Office Building
300 Capitol Ave.
Room 4200
Hartford, CT 06106

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