Wednesday, July 13, 2016


State Representative Matthew Lesser (D-Middletown) welcomed the state Bond Commission’s approval of $2 million to finance the design for improvements to Route 9 in Middletown.

“Route 9 is the main artery into the heart of Middletown’s business district. Improvements to the highway will spur development and economic growth,” Rep. Lesser said.

The funding, originally approved by the Legislature in June of 2015, is designated for strategic transportation projects and initiatives under the Let’s Go! CT program.  The funding will allow the state to begin the design phase of the project to remove the traffic lights and improve traffic flow on Route 9.

Rep. Lesser also reminded residents that the Connecticut Department of Transportation is holding a public information meeting on Tuesday, July 26 on the Route 9 project. The meeting gets underway at 7 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 44 Maynard Street in Middletown.

Two million dollars just for the design?  (I'll do it for half that!)  As much as it would be nice to do something with Rt. 9, to bond (borrow) $2m bucks at this time of economic tumult does not seem reasonable or responsible.

How much is it going to cost to do the entire project?  That money will have to be bonded (borrowed), too.  How much for how many years and what will the total cost be, including interest paid on the bonds?  There are always  cost over-runs, a-la Mattabassett sewer project, to consider, also. 

Be sure to attend the meeting on the 26th and put in your two cents worth.  We've lived with it for this long; I think we can live with it for a while longer.  Editor


  1. Whatever it takes to change the clusterfuck on Rt.9, I support.

  2. Normally, I would too, but we simply cannot afford any more debt.

  3. No need to spend all that money snd wait 10 years or more. Just take the lights out of there. Route traffic through Dekovan Dr or the extention, fix the connector, and access 66 west by other roads.
    The slowdown of traffic in other areas would be very minor compaired to the mess we have now.

  4. Yeah, but tht would make too much sense and not grease enough palms.


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