Scott Wilson, President of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, issues the following statements in response to Senators Blumenthal and Murphy’s comments about the Orlando nightclub mass shooting:
“While CCDL members and most compassionate Americans are still thinking only of the victims and families of this horrific act, Senators Blumenthal and Murphy are more concerned with advancing their political careers. Once again our two senators are calling for more laws that would only impact persons who actually obey the laws of our society. The individual who perpetrated this mass shooting broke numerous laws, and it is bordering on insanity at this point for those looking to score political points over this incident to believe otherwise”.
“It is shameful that our two senators fail to address the root causes behind these incidents. They would rather curtail lawful gun ownership than deal with those more difficult issues.”
“Again we have a shooting in a so-called ‘gun free zone’; a location where it is against the law for licensed and background checked persons to carry a firearm for protection. In Florida it is illegal to carry a firearm into any portion of an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages. Again, a murderer ignored the laws.”
Wilson went on to say the following:
“If certain lawmakers are looking to place the blame for these types of incidents, they should look squarely in the mirror and admit to themselves that the utopian fantasies of gun free zones simply do not work. For the proponents of gun control, these incidents are the gifts that allow them to renew the push for their failed agenda”.
About the CCDL: The Connecticut Citizens Defense League was formed in 2009 by a small group of concerned citizens as a non-partisan organization to advocate second amendment rights in the state of Connecticut. Since their founding, the group has grown to over 23,000 members from across the state.
Thanks to this large supportive base, the CCDL has become a fixture at the state capitol, and well-recognized by committees that see firearms related bills.
As the go-to organization in the state they are consulted regularly by lawmakers who have questions and concerns about pending legislation or existing laws. For more information on the CCDL please visit http://www.ccdl.us
Press Contact:
Scott Wilson
Murphy's tweet:
Congress's heartless, intentional silence has become a quiet message of endorsement to would be shooters contemplating mass murder.
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