Monday, May 23, 2016

Tremors Felt at Middletown City Hall

Szynkowicz with senate candidate Len Suzio

At tonight's monthly Middletown Republican Town Committee meeting, held in the council chambers at the town hall, Board of Education pit bull, Linda Szynkowicz was nominated to run against twenty eight year 33rd District incumbent Rep. Joe Serra, (who's children live out of state but are registered to vote in Middletown).  Szynkowicz said she intends to run against Serra's voting record as representative and the damage and costs his record brought to Middletown and Connecticut.

Middlesex Community Collage student Anthony RJ Moran received the party endorsement to run against incumbent NeverHadaRealJobInHisLife, Matt Lesser.  Moran says he will run a campaign highlighting Lesser's history of fiscal irresponsibility.  Moran, an ordained minister, was also endorsed for Justice of the Peace and served as ballot clerk in April's Republican primary.  (no photo available)

Earl Roberts, (no relation to Oral) was also endorsed as candidate for Connecticut Senate seat in the 9th District, running against Paul Doyle, office holder since 2007. 

At tonight's meeting, town committee members endorsed twenty candidates for Justice of the Peace.  The endorsed candidates are Leslie P. Adams Jr., David P. Bauer, Stephen T. Gionfriddo, Kimberly Inglis, Tami J. Kapacziewski, Kevin Kelly, Ryan Kennedy, Deborah Kleckowski, Victoria A. McDowell, Anthony RJ Moran, Anton A. Petras, Diane A. Petras, Jonathan Pulino, Annabel L. Resnisky, Leslie A. Spatola, Patricia D. Sloan, Eleanor C. Tomaszewski, Lea L. Tomaszewski, Anne M. Tommasi, William S. Wilson.

David Bauer, nominee
Then the earth moved.

In the only contested battle for office, the 32 RTC members present cast their ballots.  Challenging 16 year veteran Republican Registrar of Voters, Janice Gionfriddo (no photo available), was former Councilman David Bauer.  The secret ballots were issued via roll call by RTC Secretary Helen Landry.  After all the ballots were counted, they were counted again.

RTC Chair Chris Petter
The vote count was tied; sixteen votes for Gionfriddo, and sixteen votes for Bauer.  Per statute, when a tie vote occurs, the Town Committee Chair casts the tie breaking vote.  Newly elected Town Committee Chair Chris Petter, cast the tie breaking vote for . . . David Bauer.

After the vote was announced, Gionfriddo graciously conceded to Bauer and offered him her support.  Janice was recognized for her many, many years of service to the community and the Republican Party going back decades before she was registrar, and received a standing ovation from all in attendance, including Bauer.

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