These bills will impact nearly 3.5 million CT residents.
I will be voting on a budget that was not bipartisan and not transparent in its deliberations and process.
This process of secrecy and clandestine deal-making will adversely impact our communities, our schools, our critical social safety net for the most vulnerable, and the long-term viability of our state.
As a state senator with the responsibility and duty to represent the 28th district, it is disappointing that I have yet to see the FULL details of the budget and budget implementer documents.
Why should you be concerned?
- Because this budget will directly impact our communities’ fiscal ability to govern.
- Because this budget cuts education cost sharing funding to our towns, negatively affecting education.
- Because this budget decimates our community non-profit groups which provide critical social services.
- Because this budget unfairly imposes taxes on non-profit hospitals which will ultimately diminish health care for all.
- Because this budget undermines the needed support network for the 2nd Chance Society which has been working to re-integrate offenders post-incarceration.
- Because this budget missed an opportunity to implement long-term structural changes to governmental spending and priorities.
- Because disappointingly, it’s business as usual at the State Capitol.
- Because Democratic Senate leadership has already announced that Democrats will vote “yes” on the bills – even when those same legislators have yet to see the bills’ details!
We need predictability. Instead, we have confusion.
We need to put Connecticut on a sustainable path. Instead, we will be voting on a budget with suspect revenue projection that may prove unsustainable.
So, what DO we know about the Democrats’ budget?
Information is now posted at www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/democrat-budget-2017.
Click on the following links:
- Fact Sheet
- Education Cost Sharing Cuts
- Town by Town Cuts
- Hospital Cuts
- Towns Impacted by Car Tax Change
- OFA Detail of Dem Budget
- Budget Adjustment Summary
- Towns impacted by Car Tax Change (List)
Connecticut taxpayers deserve that respect.

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