In this week's video up date from his office, Sen. Markley talks about the proposed 5 yr contract for UCONN professionals and the proposed 3-4.5% pay increases being considered by the Appropriations Committee. While sympathetic to those who are affected, he states that under the current economic environment, these raises are not realistic. Markley says we face tough times ahead for the state's budget conundrum. He warns of a difficult time ahead this year and a "terrible" time in the next.
He also discusses the proposed "Transportation Lock Box". He says that any "lock box" created by the legislature, can be broken by it. Joe reminds us of the 1991 Balanced Budget Amendment to the CT Constitution and the fact that it has never been honored. He characterizes the proposed "lock box" as a Trojan Horse designed to prepare residents for massive tax increases.
Markley says the tax increases would be huge and include and additional 15 cents per gallon of gas, an increase in the gross receipts tax, (a tax based on the retail price of gas and goes up as the retail price goes up) and a frighteningly Orwellian transportation "toll" that is assessed on every driver by equipping every vehicle with a GPS device and assessing the owners a mileage tax!
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