evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their
bones” -From the play, Julius Caesar by Shakespeare-.
Truer words were never spoken. One only has to look at the aftermath
of the horrendous massacres that have taken place in America and other
nations to understand what was meant by that Shakespearean quote. Not a
day goes by that these tragedies are not mentioned in one form of news
or another. And it is so easy to demonize firearms and firearms owners
for these horrific tragedies. The fact that such an act was committed by
a deranged human being is often overlooked when all of the focus is on
the fact that a firearm was used.
“Ban firearms” is the battle cry after one of these shootings, even
those that involve the criminal element in our society. Being a
legitimate firearms owner, I wonder just where the “Ban on firearms” is
going to end up? With all of the tragic shootings taking place across
the country, it is not all that hard for a person to develop a dislike
for firearms, especially if a loved one was one of the victims, and I
can understand that. Something has to be done, but what? Tell those with
evil intent on their mind to obey the law? You'll sooner see the sun
rise in the west!
What I do not understand is who in their right mind can believe that a ban on firearms is going to keep them out of the hands of the criminal element and the deranged that do these shootings? Why are they criminals? Because they break the law with no regard for the consequences, including the taking of innocent lives. That being the case, how do those supporting a firearms ban intend to keep firearms of any type from the of the criminal element in our society?
What about focusing on the individuals that commit these insidious
killings? How do we find them and stop them? Will we be going back to
the days of the Witch Hunts that took place many years ago? We have
enough gun laws, but are they enforced?
Our society bans drunken driving, illegal drug use, texting and using a
cellphone while driving, and speeding on our highways, and how well do
those bans work? While these activities seem innocuous compared to gun
violence their death rate is very high. Every single day, innocent lives
are lost because those bans were ignored., yet there is no battle cry
to take away or ban the manufacture and the ownership of texting
devices, cellphones and high speed vehicles. Why? Because there are
already laws against such behavior? Or is the money made in selling and
advertising them a deterrent to such a ban?
Speaking of high speed vehicles, here in Connecticut we have a 65 mph
speed limit so why do we need or allow vehicles that can reach speeds of
over 100 mph on our highways? Yeah, I know, they aren't firearms so
they should be allowed, heck just about everyone owns a car or some type
of electronic texting device.
I know that lawsuits are thrown against certain firearms manufacturers
when deaths result from the illegal use of that particular firearm. Does
the same principle apply when a death happens because of the illegal
use (speeding) of a particular brand of motor vehicle, or cellphone use,
or even the alcohol manufacturer because they consumed to much of a
particular brand of booze? If not, why not?
And what about the millions of legal firearms owners and users? And
yes, I am one of them and strongly object to being indirectly accused of
being one of the causes for a shooting rampage. We go about using our
legally owned firearms for hunting and target practice every day without
an illegal incident, yet we are categorized in the same group as those
that use firearms for criminal intentions.
Every year, some area Rod & Gun Clubs and shooting organizations
like the Meriden Rod & Gun Club, New Haven Raccoon Club and the
Highrock Shooing Association use their legal firearms to raise money for
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Down at the Meriden Rod & Gun Club, folks flock to the club grounds
to use firearms to raise money for St. Judes While the Meriden
Record-Journal has covered the event at times, most news medias simply
stay away because firearms are involved in the fundraising.
But if you want to witness firearms violence go to the movies or tune
in some of the TV shows during the times kids are watching them. These
days, a show featuring violence, with firearms being used to create all
types of mayhem with plenty of blood and gore splattered on the walls is
a prime time feature. Does anyone really believe that kids do not watch
these shows, especially with all of the electronic devices available to
them? And what about the videos that depict all kinds of firearm
violence? Does anyone really believe that they do not have some type of
emotional impact on some people?
Sandy Hook was a tragedy that defies description, with so many innocent
young lives lost, but the fact remains that this insidious deed was
done with a stolen firearm that the deranged human used after killing
his mother and using the firearm stolen from her to do the shooting.
When was the last time you have ever seen a show on the tube showing
today's youths all about the proper use of firearms and firearm safety,
or even in our education system for that matter? Every time there is a
tragedy where a firearm was involved, even if it involved illegal use
and selling of drugs, legal firearms and firearms owners, honest,
hardworking citizens that do own legal firearms, come under scrutiny,
and all kinds of new firearms laws are introduced. If all of these new
firearms laws prevented such shooting horrors, all legal firearms owners
would be n favor of them.
Those that introduce these anti firearms laws promise they will put and
end to all of the violence, but then, I remember them saying the same
thing about drug use that causes some of this firearms violence. Do we
still have a drug use problem in our society? And when was the last
time we have ever seen the criminal element give a rat's behind about
obeying any laws, never mind any new gun laws in the first place?
At one time there was a saying, “Take the guns away from the honest gun
owner and then only the criminals will own guns.” The anti firearm
establishment scoffed at such a belief and often said that such a belief
was a fallacy. However, you don't have to look too far to see that if
this were to happen, it could become a reality. Again I ask, when was
the last time someone intent on committing a crime, including the taking
of innocent lives ever worried about breaking a law including a gun
law? Here in Connecticut we have enough firearms laws, and if they were
enforced they would help get rid of much of the illegal firearms use.
It is only natural for all of the anti-gun rhetoric to surface after an
insidious shooting like Sandy Hook and all of the others that take
place. However, it seems that the same principle does not apply when
innocent lives are lost because of a vehicle's ability to exceed speeds
of over 100 mph, or a drivers using an electronic device to text or call
someone while driving, or a person has consumed to much of a certain
brand of alcoholic beverage. They all have one common factor, a human
using them illegally to do the illegal deed, yet it seems that only the
firearms are worth targeting.
Historically, it has been a proven fact that those who harbor an evil
intent to take human lives will do so one way or the other. We now have
to fear human bombs strapped with explosives and killing so many people
while taking their own life as well. And then the bombers at the Boston
Marathon who used a couple of pressure cookers to take away lives and
limbs from innocent folks watching the marathon.
Have we already forgotten the thousands of innocent lives that were
lost that infamous day on September 11, 2001 when humans using box
cutters (knives) to commander airliners, were able to end so many lives
and not a shot was fired? Most of these evil doers commit their
atrocities with no regard for their own lives, with many of them
committing suicide after they have completed their evil deed. Regardless
of how strongly we feel about all of this firearm violence, there are
no laws that can predict or prevent that from happening, unless we
begin to read the human mind. So far, that has not happened. See ya' and
God Bless America and watch over our troops wherever they may be.
Mike makes good points, to which I will add; "Gun free" zones are sought by those who would bring harm to others. A school is a "gun free" zone; the Aurora Theater was a "gun free" zone; the only one of four theaters in the area to "ban" guns. We've seen how that worked out.