Sunday, January 31, 2016

Prevatte Endorses Sanders

 William M.Prevatte-
Presidential Endorsement
At this time  on January 29th,2016   a presidential  debate has been underway . I am honored and
pleased to announce that I personally support and endorse Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
as president of the United States of America. Would support national health care for everyone 
and the working class people. It’s time we have a change in who runs the United States of
America.  Would like to say to President Barack Obama thank you for your terms as our
president.    Mr. Senator Sanders is more than competent to leading the United States of
America.  As our new  president of the United States.   The reason why I personally  would
support  and endorse Mr. Sanders is because I am in full support of the republican party. 
Senator Sanders  as a supporter for  United States Government . I  have chosen  at this time to
say  he will support our veterans  who fight for our country for world peace and resolution and to
come home to see their families. It is with great pleasure and honor to say I endorse Mr. Vermont
Senator and presidential candidate  Bernie Sanders. For  president of the United States of
America.  I approve this message because  it is time for a change in the United States of America 
presidential leadership. I also am  in support of  Senator Sanders because he is right for  
president and  feel he can get things done. He would support keeping health care nationally for
everyone and the supporting of world working class people. And keeping jobs in the U.S.
Vote for Mr. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as our next president.
Thank you,
William M. Prevatte

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