Convention of States
Shaken by the events of
September 11th, 2001, and then fully awakened by the election of
Barack Obama and all that followed, I moved from my comfortable membership in
the “Silent Majority” to join the numbers of frightened and angry Americans who
could no longer remain silent in the face of a suddenly “foreign” U.S.
Government. My lifelong assumption that our national foundation was solid and
secure was no longer a safe assumption. The balance of powers of the federal Government
was out of balance. The people no longer had much impact on the actions of a
government growing increasingly out of control.
After the second election of
Barack Obama I found myself in a dark place with no hope that we could restore
what we have lost: many of our basic freedoms and the dependability of our
Constitution to guide the government. Therefore I was very excited by the news
(to me) of Article V of the Constitution which has been described as a safety
valve put in place by our Founders. They had wisely anticipated that the day
would come when the Federal Government would grow out of the controls which had
been designed to prevent exactly what has happened today: Federal usurpation of
power that belongs to the states. Article V is the mechanism built into the
Constitution to allow the people to save the Constitution, and it is brilliant
if we only would decide to use it.
Article V says that upon
successful application by 2/3 (34) of the states, they may convene a convention
(a meeting) of the states for the purpose of proposing amendments to the
Constitution. This process has been initiated in the past, but never achieved
enough member states to sign on to hold a convention. (The history is very
interesting, but must be the subject of another discussion.) All states must
agree to the terms of the application, and those are the only subjects which
may be addressed during the Convention. Every state may send as many delegates
as they wish individually, but each state gets only one vote. When agreement is
reached by the state-appointed delegates, ratification must then be
accomplished in ¾ (38) of the states before the new amendments become part of
the Constitution. 38 states agreeing to such amendments is not an easy
threshold to pass, but it assures a mandate of the people, not a “runaway”
In the Convention of the
States project Resolution currently being debated across the country, these
amendments would be limited to the broad topics of imposing fiscal restraints
on the Federal Government, limiting the power of the Federal Government, and
mandating term limits. This would allow proposed amendments that limit
executive orders, federal spending and taxation and terms of office for
Congress and the Supreme Court.
The Convention of States
Project is currently recruiting and mobilizing a permanent army of trained
political activists in 3,000 state house and legislative districts across the
country. These district captains will each recruit 100 people who will call or
write their state legislators, voicing their support for the Convention of
States. The clearest explanation that I’ve found to understand Article V’s
history and purpose is in Mark Levins’s book: “The Liberty Amendments”. To
learn about the Convention of States Project, visit the website to
sign the petition and learn how to become involved with this last, best chance
to restore liberty in America.
No President can make the kind of repairs we need, but “We the People” can do
it if we band together. In my opinion the COS
is more important to the future of the country than the next Presidential
election, and each of us can have more power to affect it.
Florida, Alaska, and Georgia have
already passed the bills of application and it’s presently being debated and
passed in one or more houses of many other states. Every citizen who becomes educated
and spreads the word can help in this effort to slowly right the Ship of State.
Don’t remain in the silent majority, but please step up and add your voice to
this growing national movement.
Formerly of
Meriden, CT Pat now
resides in Tennessee. The Tennessee Senate has passed the Article V Petition and the Government Committee
in the House is voting on January 26th. She will be there to watch the
debate and the vote.
I am happy to announce that the Tennessee government committee today passed the Convention of States proposal. Two of the supporters were absent due to recent surgeries, but the bill passed by a vote of 5-3. It should go to a vote before the full House of Representative within the next ten days and Tennessee will be the fifth state to join those who support the Convention of States. Now the hard work begins.