Monday, January 11, 2016

Speaker Ryan: Idea Obamacare Law Of The Land For Good A Myth

The idea that Obamacare is the law of the land is a myth. Congress voted to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood, and for the first time the President was put on defense, vetoing the legislation #OnHisDesk. This move is significant: Congress fulfilled our mandate to the American people and proved that Obamacare can be fully repealed with a Republican president in 2017.

POTUS wants to make this a year of distractions. President Obama tried to distract Congress and Americans from failures on the world stage and at home by trying to intimidate gun owners in America. That’s not going to stop Congress. In fact, Speaker Ryan promised 2016 is going to be a #YearofIdeas and we’re going on offense.
Conservatives are zeroing in on poverty. Speaker Ryan explained how Washington’s big government programs have failed to break the cycle of poverty and introduced conservative principles that are needed to reshape the debate.
Deer season is over
And almost over are President Obama’s State of the Union addresses. Join us next week for a celebration of Obama's #LastSOTU, which will be on Tuesday. Watch the GOP response from South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley at and follow @GOPEspanol for the Spanish translation from Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL).
If you work at McDonalds, someday you too could be Speaker of the House.

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