CHC of Middletown is hosting a home brew tasting/judging event on their rooftop to benefit the North End Action team. Saturday Sept. 26 3-5 pm. CHC roof, Main St.
Buy your tickets here.
From the CHC:
Join us for another fun afternoon with
spectacular views of the Middletown area and a delicious array of home brews!
spectacular views of the Middletown area and a delicious array of home brews!
We'll be outside again and enjoying live music, all to benefit the North End Action Team!!
We'll be on the roof of the CHC of Middletown building again, outside among the beautiful gardens with the stellar views of the CT River and downtown Middletown!!
Neighborhood businesses will again be offering discounts to attendees of the event, our panel of judges will once more feature some real cool cats, and the home brewers lined up to enter their wares have seriously stepped up their game this time. Keep an eye on this event page for updates and details on all of the above as we get closer to the event.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Attendees of our past events that bring back their tasting cups will be allowed to enter the event early. Access will not be granted without a valid ID.
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