Sunday, August 23, 2015

Matt Lesser Says "Yes" to Rabies!

HARTFORD -  Over the past few years many have questioned my voting record. I actively campaigned hard for HB 6595 Authorizing Driver's Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants, which people have criticized me doing as pandering for votes. I voted in favor Governor Malloy's  current budget. I co sposored SB 1160 to further restrict 2nd Amendment rights through sales of fire arms and ammunition. I've long advocated for same day voter registration & $20+ an hour minimum wage. I also wrote a bill, despite my advocacy for pro-environmental issues, on the request of Mayor Dan Drew to light the Arrigoni Bridge up like a  turnpike motel as a tourist attraction. 

Last year,  I joined the Latino & Black Caucus of legislators at the capitol. Most recently, in the wake of the Rachel Dolezal's plight, I also came out as transracial.

My recent actions may seem a nonsensical, but I assure my consituents there is an explanation for my haphazard pattern of voting & seemingly illogical behavior.

I am proud to come out as a rabid American. I contracted rabies some years ago 
mouth-feeding underprivileged illiterate feral animals in the bush country of Middletown around Maromas. Today, I feel I no longer should hide my status, and am sponsoring a rabies clinic to raise awareness & advocate for equal voting rights for rabid individuals. My musical group 'Menudo' will perform live! 

Please join us!
Rep. Matt Lesser (D)


  1. Good luck at the clinic. I'd come but I have already been vaccinated. Thanks for the invite, though.

  2. Too funny! He's not HISPANIC he's whiter than Wayne Brady!

  3. Sad is the clinic is s real event. Out stumping for Democrats looking to get reelected as career politicians. Matt brags on his face book page about all jobs in CT, someone who's never held a real job should talk!


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